Just like going into an exam, feel confident that you can answer any question that is thrown at you. Get into the habit of collecting your thoughts before speaking, you will feel more confident about your answers and less likely to ramble. Speak more slowly than you would normally and practice with someone if you can.
How to deal with those hard questions?
“What would you consider to be your weaknesses?” Turn this on its head and use it as a way to sell yourself, always pick on something you have improved and tell them about it. Say how you identified and addressed it and show how it is no longer an issue, using a recent example.
Remember it as the STAR technique:
- Situation Set the background
- Task What was required of you?
- Actions The Actions that you took
- Result The Result of your actions
“What qualities do you think will be required for this job?”
Their advertisement for the job may help you a little, but you should also think of the other qualities that may be required. These may include leadership ability, supervisory/ communication /Interpersonal/Problem solving/Analytical skills etc.
Don’t forget the fantastic skills on your CV and take a copy with you!
Last Impressions
At the end of the interview prepare a list of questions to ask the them in order of priority – not too many though. Think about any areas you would like more clarification on from the role specification.
Useful question topics:
Training and development opportunities / requirements?
What is the greatest challenge facing the organisation at present?
Which project will I be most involved with during the first 6 months?
What skills and behaviours do you see as being most important to succeed in the job?
Show excitement or emotion if you really want the job! e.g. “I have really enjoyed the interview today and I believe I can make a significant contribution to your team”. Above all Exude energy and enthusiasm – it’s infectious!
A letter of thanks is an excellent way to follow up-not least because it helps you remain in the interviewer’s mind and just might be what Pips you to the post! Get cracking and good luck!